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All time with interest I look at people who try to make items like ours.

I do not mind when people try to do that.

I always glad if the result has hi quality.

But it is not at that time.

First mask is ours. Under cut not.

С большим интересом наблюдаю, как люди пытаются сделать маски подобные нашим.

Я ничего не имею против, когда пытаются сделать что – то на основе наших работ.

И всегда рад если результат качественный.

Но это не тот случай. Судите сами.

Первая маска наша, под катом попытки повторить.

4 Responses to “Imitators horse mask. Подражатели Маска Лошади.”

  1. Brian Griffin

    Style Leather is a crappy company in the UK that sells on ebay. On a regular basis they steel designs (including my plague doctor mask) and make crappy copies and sell them on ebay. I have counted 3 Basset designs they have done this with, and one of my masks. In addition, last year they were using my photos in their ebay postings untill I turned them in.
    They are real scum bags.


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