Вчера 22 апреля 2011 года в 8 часов утра Олег умер.
Причина: внезапная остановка сердца.
Вы все его знали под разными именами и образами. Он мог быть тем, кем захотел. И был собой.
Прощание 12.00 26 апреля, вторник, морг 17 больницы.
Похороны кладбище посёлка Высокий.

Yesterday, April 22, 2011 at 8:00 am Oleg died.
Reason: sudden cardiac arrest.
You all know him by different names and images. He can be anybody that you wanted to. And was himself.
Farewell to 12.00 on April 26, Tuesday, 17 Hospital morgue.
Funeral cemetery of the village Vysokiy.
Tom Banwell
My condolences to his family and friends. He was a great artist.
Sorry to hear about Oleg.
He was a true master.
I will treasure my two custom brom masks and the RP8- forever.
I am very proud to own them.
Petrov will live on through his art, because he is legend.
Heaven must have needed another leather artesian,,,now they have the best.
my condolences
Adam C Johnson
Hi Sergey & family,
my condolancies to you and your family sir.
Very sorry for your loss..
Tim Ka
I am so sorry to hear about this loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
So sorry.
Christopher Rasch
My condolences. I have admired his work for years. The world has lost a great artist.
Peter & Venus
We are truly shocked and disappointed to hear of Bob’s passing.
Although we only new Bob through his art and work he has left a legacy behind as the world leader in his industry.
Your creativity will be missed.
We salute you from South Africa.
Thank you Oleg, for sharing your amazing art with the world.
You have been an inspiration to many, including me.